Saturday 15 September 2012

Where's the Humanity Value??

Just now, i went out to the town just now about 1 hour.. actually, im not really think about going out.. im just felt so bored, stayed in the room alone because my roomate went to KK this morning.. huhuhu... i went about 4 pm, alone.. hehehe... thats me.. i prefer walk alone than asked somebody to accompany me..  

   I went to the supermarket to buy some stuff.. i bought a bunch of bread and a milk for my breakfast tomorrow.. the moment i stand at the counter to pay my things, i saw a women and her daughter yelled at their maid in front of others... im little bit shocked about it because the women was next to me.. i felt very sad for her action.. i was thinking about, where's the humanity values in her?? i dont think i was wrong if i said that her action was kind of stupid and inhuman.. i was hoping that one day, they'll change.. the maid dont deserve such treat from them.. 
   On the way back to the hostel, i thought so much about the humanity values among us this moment.. the earth getting older, the civilization getting higher but the same time human become inhuman.. what does it refer to?? there seems to be lack of respect among each other.. the new generation have a great education but most of them dont appreciate the chance they have.. hopefully, this wont be lead to a great disaster after this.. together, lets change & live a better life :) peace!!

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