Saturday 15 September 2012

Self Reflection

      The time went very fast every day.. as soon as i wake up early in the morning, i realize that its the beginning of a new day.. yesss.. that is how our life.. every one of us was given 24 hours in a day.. it should be more than enough for us to settle down most of the things that we should do.. but, the thing seems to be unexpectabled.. most of us always complained that we don't have enough time to do everything.. but, the real thing that happen is we are wasting the time too much on something useless.. for an example, during the work time, we always on the phone, or else text and even online... hrmmm.. does it seem to be awful?? or should i say that we don't know how to appreciate the time...

     Even me myself just the same like most of us outside.. always doing the assignment on the last minute... its not sometimes but always... when i think twice, it should be done earlier if i use the time by the right way.. actually i have do much free time, especially during the noon.. but, i waste it by watching movies, playing games or sleeping for 3-4 hours :(.. think back about it, its such a waste when during that time i can finish some of the works.. u might also do, right??

    Unnoticed, now im in the 3rd year for Bachelor Degrees in Education at Keningau Teacher Education Institute.. this course took about 5 and a half years for the Bachelor programme.. quite a long time for me.. when i looked back to my pass, i was here since i was 18 (2009).. that moment, im just nobody and just an ordinary school leavers.. its a great opportunity when i was given the chance to continue studies at that age.. that's the moment when everything starts until this moment..

    The flight takes about a quarter hour from Kuching to Kota Kinabalu... that time, i was going alone without my parents.. they want to teach me how to independent.. as a Sarawakian, i dont know so much about Sabah that time even i've been there for few times.. my brother wait for me at the Kota Kinabalu International Airport as soon as i arrived there.. im glad that even my parents cant accompany me, but i still have a brother to be with...

    Right now, i can travel alone :) and my parents very happy about it.. life as a trainee teacher changed me a lot.. change me from the outside until the real me inside... its a great moment when i was given the chance to teach the students.. they reminds me about my childhood memories which is full of happiness.. but now, i;ll become and adult soon.. the only thing that i ask everytime i pray is, God give me chance to continue the fight of my life the way i should do.. 

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