Thursday 20 September 2012

My First Sunday Class

Last Sunday (16.09.2012) was my first class at the St Francis Xavier Cathedral.. that night before i was staying alone.. i was thinking about if im able to wake up early in the morning... actually, its not impossible to do so when i wake up earlier than usual that sunday morning... yesss... i did it ^^

     i go shower than got my breakfast.. i just made a sandwich (bread + jam) and a cup of coffee.. yummm.. well, its important for me because my class will be start at 7.30 pm until 9.15..then, i continued with Mass at 9.30 untill 11 am.. that day, i wore my white blouse with pink skirts and my favourite purple shoes ^^..  unfortunately, im bery hungry that moment, no matter somehow i'm just ok... hehehe...

     After the mass, we ran over the reataurant to have lunch with my beloved uncle, Thonlief ^_^.. its been a long time since we dont have lunch together.. quite missing him.. huhu.. he's my super senior this year and this is the last year he'd be here.. after this, he'll b post somewhere... its mean, i'll travel alone start next year :(

   Lets get back to the story about my sunday class.. that morning, our teacher is Mr Eric a.ka. Carles Eric George... he's kind of sweet guy, polite and a good teacher.. hehehe.. i like the way he take over our class.. our topic that day was about the differences and similarities between Chatolic and non Catholic Christians.. i learn a lot that day even ive left behind about 22 topics... so far, im very hapyy because they still give me the chance to join the class even its almost over.. but, i'll start over next year with the next book that is Book 10.. hopefully, GOD will give me the chance to continue what i've been start.. amen...

   For the readers outside, whoever you are.. whatever we've start over, as long as we have the chance to go through it, then just go... you know why, not everybody will have the chance to have tomorrow even some of us always said that tomorrow never die.. trust me, it;s just make us become more irresponsibility to the things that we must do.. lets get a good start and get it to the end :)

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